
Upcoming Events at CNC

Have you attended one of Dr. Lazarus's free classes yet? These have been a real hit! Dr. Lazarus will teach you why weight management is so difficult and arm you with the best tool to keep weight off - knowledge and understanding. He does classes nearly every week. Call the clinic for the most current schedule. Current topics include:

Upcoming Events at CNCHave you attended one of Dr. Lazarus’s free classes yet? These have been a real hit! Dr. Lazarus will teach you why weight management is so difficult and arm you with the best tool to keep weight off – knowledge and understanding. He does classes nearly every week. Call the clinic for the most current schedule.  Current topics include:

1. Understanding weight management: learn the best evidence-based tools for weight loss, and gain an understanding into why maintaining weight loss is such a challenge.

2. Eat More Exercise Less: If eating less and exercising more is NOT in fact the best way to keep weight off, is it possible that we should do the opposite? Learn about the body fat-mass set point and why many commonly held beliefs are flat-out wrong. This class will open your mind to a new model of chronic weight management.

3. SUGAR!  Sugar is everywhere! Learn about what sugar is, types of sugar, other sweeteners, and recommendations regarding sugar and carbohydrates in your diet.

4. Weight Loss Medications: Did you know that we now have 8 FDA-approved weight loss medications? Learn the differences between the older and newer medications and how to pick the best option – complete with sample patient case discussions.

CNC Special Guest: Dr. Glenn Kaplan

We welcome Dr. Glenn Kaplan as a guest in April teaching a class titled “Eat More, Think Less.” Learn from a Ph.D. Psychologist how to identify emotional eating behaviors and learn how to modify these behaviors. Dr. Kaplan has offered to do this class at no charge to our patients at CNC!  (April 6th, 2016, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM)

CNC Support Group: Success for a Lifetime

There are also still spots left in our long-term support group. This group meets every other Monday from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM with therapist Kim Jones. It is designed to help attendees share motivation to keep weight off permanently. Call for availability and more information.

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