Longest Lifespan in America
According to Doctor Google, the average lifespan in America is 78.54 years. The state with the longest life expectancy is Hawaii – 81.15 years. Interestingly, Colorado has one of the longest life expectancies in the country at 80.21 years.
Now, if you break it down by county, Colorado again has the top 3 spots to live for longest lifespan including: Summit County (86.8 years), Pitkin County (86.5 years), and Eagle County (85.9 years). Interestingly, Douglas County also makes the top 10 list (83.7 years).
Why do people in Colorado live so much longer? “Factors contributing to the high life expectancy in Summit County are high education, high income, high access to medical care, the people are physically active, obesity is lower than anywhere else.”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summit_County,_Colorado)
This makes me very proud of Colorado residents – let’s keep working on being as active as we can, keeping our body mass index as low as we can, enjoying the Colorado outdoors, and enjoying our high-altitude climate. Who knows – maybe if we work together, we can overtake Hawaii 🙂