Category Clinical Nutrition Center News

Updates regarding Clinical Nutrition Center in Denver, CO.

Obesity medicine specialist Ethan Lazarus, MD.

Person-first, Dr Lazarus shares his perspective on preventive approach to tackling obesity

The numbers, so commonly cited, remain staggering. Obesity affects more than one in three American adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is also often associated with 236 comorbidities, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and 13 different cancers. Yet physicians and other health professionals are too often hesitant to have open discussions about obesity with patients.

Susan Ellis RDN featured image

Lunch Ideas for Vegetarians

Clinical Nutrition Center would like to share an article from the Denver Post titled “A vegetarian’s guide to brown-bagging everyday lunch favorites.” The article features CNC’s own Susan Ellis, RDN providing easy, healthy and quick vegetarian lunch options.

happy adults in group

Upcoming Classes

Do you struggle to stay motivated? Do you feel like you have to work harder than others to accomplish your goals? You are not alone! This group is designed to encourage and support participants to succeed in achieving and maintaining their weight loss goals. This is not a “class” where you learn information; it is a group for sharing your successes and struggles.

new optifast

NEW Optifast® Coming Soon

CNC is proud to offer OPTIFAST full meal replacement programs. Our patients have long enjoyed the outstanding quality and science-based approach OPTIFAST offers. The typical OPTIFAST patient loses 52 pounds in 22 weeks. This March, Nestle will release “OPTIFAST New and Improved” to participating OPTIFAST medical centers.

Group Class

Group Class with Kim Jones

Do you struggle to stay motivated? Do you feel like you have to work harder than others to accomplish your goals? You are not alone! “Success for a Lifetime” is a group designed to encourage and support others to succeed in their weight loss goals. This is not a “class” where you learn information; it is a group for sharing your successes and struggles. This group is designed to identify blocks that are keeping us stuck and to motivate one another towards accomplishing who we want to be.

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What Really Matters?

During April, I attended the Obesity Medicine Association’s (OMA) Fall conference in San Francisco. This conference educates doctors on the treatment of obesity. I helped teach their review course (courses on nutrition and diet) and in their main summit, courses on the use of medications. I presented four hours of lectures in two days!

group of three adults

Upcoming Events at CNC

Have you attended one of Dr. Lazarus's free classes yet? These have been a real hit! Dr. Lazarus will teach you why weight management is so difficult and arm you with the best tool to keep weight off - knowledge and understanding. He does classes nearly every week. Call the clinic for the most current schedule. Current topics include: