Category Health And Wellness

Diving in Belize

A Simpler Life for 2025

I was fortunate to spend the winter holidays in Belize with my family. We enjoyed several amazing inland adventures including the unbelievable ATM cave system – a cave with a river running through it that extends underground for miles and…

woman meditating

Willpower vs. Skillpower

We’ve heard it time and time again: “I’m doing everything possible to lose weight, but it just isn’t coming off!” This statement implies that your body weight is a function of your willpower. In fact, decades of research have shown…

Dr Lazarus doing a body composition test on a patient

Beyond Body Mass Index (BMI)

I had the pleasure of serving as a delegate at the American Medical Association’s (AMA) 2023 Annual Meeting in June. It was exactly 10 years ago that obesity was recognized by the AMA as a disease, at my first meeting…

Woman in Yellow

Happy Mind, Healthy Body

Many people continue to erroneously believe that their body size is simply the result of how much they eat and how much they move. Of course, reality is seldom so simple. Why people eat how they do and move how…