
Category Activity Recommendations

What activities are helpful for weight loss and long-term weight control?

children cooking with grandparents

Make Healthy Eating a Family Affair

With the growing concerns regarding an increase in the number of overweight children and adolescents, and related health issues, establishing healthy eating habits early in life is important for life-long health and disease prevention. Healthy habits start with the family; being a good role model, providing nutritious foods while limiting high calorie, lower nutrient foods is key. Include your children and teens in family menu planning, age-appropriate assistance with meal preparation and grocery shopping, etc. as often as possible to get them on board with healthy eating.
picture of 4 treadmills

Preparing for your First Workout

The best workouts are those with a clearly set plan and realistic goals. Taking time to consider your fitness goals before heading to the gym gives you a chance to learn different techniques, become mentally prepared for what you are going to do and figure out the logistics of how you’ll do it.
Person walking in a coat

Debunking Cold Weather Exercise Excuses

The days are already shortening and (thankfully) cooling. What are you going to do with your exercise plan through the late Fall to early Springtime this year! Warmer weather lends itself to outdoor activity in Colorado: Hiking, biking, mountain climbing, gardening, lawn work, camping (sigh - oh Summer!). Do you usually hibernate during the cold months? How can you maintain the fitness level you've achieved this summer season?