
Category Health And Wellness

food plan journal

Acute weight loss vs. Chronic weight management, part 2- by Ethan Lazarus, MD

When beginning a journey to lose weight and keep it off permanently, we usually start with what we call an “active weight loss” phase. During this time, we try as hard as we can to get as much weight off as possible (within what is medically safe and appropriate). Many people want to stay on “active” weight loss until they reach a pre-determined “goal” weight, whether or not their body cooperates.
woman lifting weights

Exercise for Weight Maintenance 

Most weight loss occurs with a modification in diet; however, evidence shows the best way to maintain weight loss is to engage in regular physical activity. We all know and understand the importance of physical activity; it helps reduce stress and anxiety, can reduce high blood pressure, reduce risk of cardiovascular events and type II diabetes. I think many individuals struggle with keeping weight off because they are not engaging in regular physical activity.
Dr. Ethan Lazarus Head

Acute weight loss vs. Chronic weight management -by Ethan Lazarus, MD

Do you ever feel like every year your New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight, yet by the end of the year you are back where you started? If so, you are not alone. Although obesity has been recognized as a serious, chronic disease, there is still a focus on acute weight loss instead of chronic weight management. In fact, most individuals focus on weight loss as the main endpoint, instead of recognizing the more important outcomes of improving health and improving quality of life.
Local farmers market images

Farmers Market

One of my favorite things about summer is weekend trips to the farmer’s market! I spend each weekend picking up produce and some of my favorite household staples at my local farmer’s market. There are so many benefits of supporting local farmers, and buying fresh and local produce. This is hands down the best place to get inspiration, farmers work so hard to bring beautiful produce each weekend, and it inspires me to make healthy, nutrient dense meals to bring to the table. Here are some reasons why I love shopping at farmer’s markets and you should too!
nighttime eating person at refrigerator in dark room

Nighttime Eating

This is a question that has received significant attention over the years. Many experts agree that eating in the evening is a problem because our bodies have the lowest need for calories during the evening hours. In America, meal size typically increases throughout the day and most eat more during dinner than any other meal.
Yo-yo on a scale

No More Yo-Yo Dieting

Have you ever worked your hardest to lose weight, only to be met with frustration later as the pounds seem to creep back on? Current science has shown that keeping weight off is actually far harder than losing it. Yo-yo dieting has been described as repeated loss and regain of body weight. It seems like every week there is a new fad diet going around town, from “Eat right for your blood type” to “Atkins.”
picture of gastrointestinal system


Our bodies are constantly exposed to the environment. These days, we consume more sugar, trans-fats, and highly processed foods than ever before, not to mention foods that have been genetically modified and/or treated with antibiotics. Symbiotic bacteria living in our…

healthy foods containing omega 3

The Essential Fatty Acid Balance

The human body can make most of the fats it needs through our diet, however, there are two fatty acids that are essential, meaning we must consume them through our diet because the body alone cannot synthesize them. These are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
person cutting vegetables

Nutrition in the New Year

Roughly 69% of the US population has losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle at the top of their priority list in January. Clinical Nutrition Center is here to help you achieve those resolutions this year. We not only want you to be successful on your weight loss journey, but we want to teach you the skills to keep your weight off so you can set a brand new resolution for the following year!