Category Health And Wellness

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The Value of Support Systems

To lose weight, you need to develop healthy habits that support your weight loss goals. Along with making daily choices in diet and exercise to support your medical weight loss efforts, there are many benefits to developing a strong support network.

chef holding piece of raw red meat

Weight Loss, Red Meat and your Health

The foods you eat have a direct effect on your health and well-being. Increasing your nutrient intake and reducing your consumption of fat and sugar-filled foods during your medical weight loss program and beyond can result in improved health outcomes. According to a collection of research, reducing your intake of certain foods—especially red meat—can reduce your risk of developing obesity-related diseases and help you lose weight.

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Sugar and your Diet

Sugar is a form of simple carbohydrate. While this makes it a nutrient, it is not to be mistaken for nutritious. Calories from sugar are often called empty calories because they are devoid of all nutritional value, but will still contribute to weight gain. In the United States, the average adult eats about three times more sugar every day than is recommended for good health.

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Shopping for Your Weight Loss Diet

Healthy food choices at the grocery store are the foundation of a nutritious diet. During your medical weight loss program, learning how to be a careful and knowledgeable supermarket shopper will help you make healthy food choices and continue to follow a diet that maximizes your ability to keep weight off and stay healthy.

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Preparing for your First Workout

The best workouts are those with a clearly set plan and realistic goals. Taking time to consider your fitness goals before heading to the gym gives you a chance to learn different techniques, become mentally prepared for what you are going to do and figure out the logistics of how you’ll do it.

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Figuring Out your Healthiest Weight

This is a complicated process for a lot of people. For one thing, Hollywood projects an image of “thinness” and “healthy” that is highly warped. Celebrities who are border-line malnourished are bombarded with paparazzi attention every time their jeans look a tad too tight. This idealized concept of an optimal weight is not something that you should aim for. Instead, focus on working towards a healthy weight level for your height, build and activity level.

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Understanding GMOs as you Lose Weight

In recent months there has been a lot of talk about GMOs and ways to avoid them in our food. While a growing number of people now hold a generally dissatisfactory opinion of GMOs, not many people actually understand what they are. There are a large number of people who think avoiding GMOs is similar to avoiding other common dietary ne'er-do-wells, like trans fats or sugar. However, this isn’t the case.

Emotional Eating Woman

Emotional Eating: Breaking the Cycle

Have you ever wondered why the way we feel has such a profound effect on our appetite and eating behavior? Happiness, loneliness, depression, boredom, fatigue, stress and guilt are more powerful appetite stimulators than being "physically" hungry.