Category Health And Wellness

french fries coke hamburger

What about all these “PC” foods? or, “Why won’t junk food leave me alone?”

We already know that 300,000 people a year in the USA die from diseases of over-consumption: Diabetes, heart disease, lung diseases, cancers, high blood fats, strokes, osteoporosis and broken bones are caused or exacerbated by excess weight. How many of these deaths could be prevented if our grocery stores had a plethora of healthy foods and a paucity of purposeful crap?

fruit bowl

Satisfying Snacks

Following an eating plan for long periods of time can be boring. So many of us use "just a little extra" food for entertainment, as a pick-me-up, to fill time, or as a reward for good behavior in other areas of our lives. Where do snack foods fit in? A healthy snack, ( in the perfect world), would fit into our daily food plan rather than blowing our calorie limits out of the water. It would be satisfying, but not lead us into more unplanned calories. What works for you?

Person walking in a coat

Debunking Cold Weather Exercise Excuses

The days are already shortening and (thankfully) cooling. What are you going to do with your exercise plan through the late Fall to early Springtime this year! Warmer weather lends itself to outdoor activity in Colorado: Hiking, biking, mountain climbing, gardening, lawn work, camping (sigh - oh Summer!). Do you usually hibernate during the cold months? How can you maintain the fitness level you've achieved this summer season?

picture of registered dietitian

Denver’s best dietitians

In my opinion, a person's best resource for a nutritional intervention is a Registered Dietitian ("Dietitian" is the preferred spelling over "Dietician"). Registered dietitians are Denver's food experts. They have undergone specific nutritional training to learn how to help people not only make the best dietary choices, but to implement behavior changes to turn these choices in to habits.