Category Health And Wellness

Liz’s Fall Tips:

1) Get plans in place now to keep up with exercise through the seasonal climate and time changes ahead. If exercising outdoors, make sure you have appropriate layered clothing, footwear, gloves and headgear for colder, wetter weather. Have an indoor…

More New Interesting Studies

1. PENN STATE—A small daily chocolate snack did not decrease long term weight loss success, but helped reduce cravings. (funded by Hershey Corp.) 2. VIRGINIA TECH—Half of overall weight gain occurs during the holidays. Successful prevention strategies include daily weighing,…

Book Review: Women Food and God

I had the good fortune over the past several weeks to read through Geneen Roth’s new book, “Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything.” This is a deeply introspective look by an individual who has been grappling…