Benefits of Customized Food Plans for Weight Loss
Personalized Diets: Key to Effective Weight Loss Success
Learn how to lose weight and keep it off!
Personalized Diets: Key to Effective Weight Loss Success
What is physical activity and why is it important for weight loss? Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that increases energy expenditure. Simply put, any time you move your body that can count towards physical activity.…
I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Michael Rosenbaum from Columbia University speak at our Obesity Medicine Association Conference on the topic of why maintaining weight loss is so hard. He has been engaged in research on this topic for…
Have you ever thought about why you eat what you eat? Is it simple? Do we choose what we put in our mouths? If only life was so easy! It’s now thought that there are actually three separate pathways influencing…
Make Sure Everything that Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas! Now is the time of year everybody is getting ready to travel: Mexico, Europe, South America, and yes, Vegas. People keep coming to the office not wanting to get on…
“It’s not about the food!” If you have worked hard to lose weight, that is only part of the battle. Read on to learn strategies to keep the weight off. Sustaining Weight Loss Don’t believe everything you read – keeping…
We’ve all been there before – we spend 6 months working so hard to lose weight, but before we know it, we run out of steam. We get hungry at night, start eating carbs, and feel like our willpower goes…
One of the biggest hurdles people face when trying to keep weight off is impulsivity. Think of impulsivity as your ability to resist things in the moment – the bowl of chips on the table at a restaurant, the container…
A new study published in the journal Cognition examines two types of willpower – synchronic and diachronic. Synchronic willpower involves exercising willpower in the moment – for example, trying not to eat the potato chips sitting on the table. Diachronic…
One of my favorite things about working at Clinical Nutrition Center these past 18 years is learning from my patients. That’s you! You have blessed ME showing me that anything is possible! While every person I have worked with has…