Adjusting to Exercise as You Lose Weight
Throughout the course of your medical weight loss program, you’ll be learning everything you need to know about creating and maintaining a strong, healthy body. This includes regular exercise, which will help you burn calories, build muscle and reduce stress as you lose weight.
Throughout the course of your medical weight loss program, you’ll be learning everything you need to know about creating and maintaining a strong, healthy body. This includes regular exercise, which will help you burn calories, build muscle and reduce stress as you lose weight.
With time and dedication to your exercise routine, you may eventually find yourself able to tackle physical feats you never dreamed of accomplishing. But before you can run a marathon or hike miles through the Colorado mountains, you’ll need to spend some time on less demanding tasks.
Many people find it challenging to begin an exercise routine. Exercise may not have been an important part of your life before medical weight loss, and you may be nervous to begin your routine. Though most people find that they enjoy exercise far more than they initially expect, it’s still important to start slowly and nurture your fitness gradually.
To help yourself lose weight and successfully improve your personal fitness level, begin your routine with tips like these:
- Start small. Your workouts should be challenging, but within reason. Assess your physical fitness level and start with an exercise like walking that will provide you with results without putting too much strain on your body. Try starting with just 10 to 15 minutes of walking every day and working your way up to 30 and 60 minute workouts as you develop more stamina.
- Listen to your body. Pushing yourself too far, too fast can lead to an injury that sets you back for days. Though we can provide you with exercise recommendations as you lose weight, you are the only one who can determine how a workout actually affects your body. Always pay attention to how exercise makes you feel. You should stop if you feel winded, dizzy or sick, and there is no shame in doing so. Remember that your body will need time to recuperate from the tasks you subject it to—include days of rest and recovery in your schedule to avoid overworking yourself.
- Develop a routine. If you hope to continue seeing results, exercise should become a consistent focus. Consider which times will work best for your schedule and the workouts you’re most likely to stay interested in. Do your best to include aerobic exercise, strength training and physically-engaging hobbies. Writing down your workout plans and the progress you make each day can help you stay motivated and on the right track.
Even the world’s greatest triathletes had to start somewhere. As you lose weight, remember: starting your exercise routine right can help you continue building your fitness for the rest of your life.