You Need a Balanced Lifestyle to Be Happy and Healthy

Modern life encourages disharmony rather than wellness. The hectic to-and-fro of your routine as you juggle the demands of a busy schedule creates strain.

Modern life encourages disharmony rather than wellness. The hectic to-and-fro of your routine as you juggle the demands of a busy schedule creates strain. If your diet is unhealthy, you don’t exercise, and you’re always on the go, something’s got to give and it’s likely to be your constitution. You can retrieve excellent well-being, however, if you lead a balanced lifestyle.

Why the traditional model of health doesn’t work anymore

Your forefathers didn’t face the same health challenges you meet. Their stress came from different sources whether physical or mental. They popped pills to improve their lot. Often, the medical model they followed worked. Now, though, you can no-longer take a pill to stay well. You need to live a balanced life for excellent well-being.

Keys to well-being

Studies reveal people must pay attention to six areas of their lives to stay well–experts often leave two out of the equation to simplify matters, but all six are vital.


If you are super-busy or hate exercise, no doubt you’re groaning right now. The last thing you need to be told is to move more–as if you didn’t already know keeping your body active increases wellness. 

At present, you face a paradox. You need to exercise for greater vitality, yet; you have no energy to plow into a workout. Before you make exercise a part of your daily routine, you need confidence greater movement really will make you more energetic.

Happily, you can rest assured exercising is worthwhile. A study carried out at the University of Georgia showed exercise definitely reduces fatigue. Researchers also found engagement in low-level exercise, as opposed to sweaty workouts, might be the best way to increase vitality.


What’s the best way to ruin your well-being? Don’t sleep enough. Just six nights of sleeping five hours per stretch changes the way your body functions. Even one night of reduced kip will make you tired, snappy, and slow.

Researchers have tried to identify a definite amount of sleep to recommend, but the truth is everyone’s different. Some folks manage on six hours a night while others aren’t in good shape unless they get eight. You are the expert on your wellness and know when you need more sleep. Prioritize shuteye or your health will suffer.

Mental stimulation

Mental stimulation fuels happiness, and without joy in your life your well-being will plummet. It also increases motivation and personal growth. There are many ways to excite your mind. The easiest, though, is to follow your passion.

What you love to do–the activity that puts you in a state of flow and makes you lose all sense of time–is the ideal pursuit to boost mental welfare. Once you find the hobby that feeds your mental faculties and brings joy, engage in it often.

Healthy diet

It’s important to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of green leafy vegetables, lean protein, nourishing fats and carbohydrates, colorful vegetables and fruits, and nuts and seeds. On the other hand, over-concern about food can increase stress and make you unwell.

Many people strive too hard to consume the perfect diet and put themselves under pressure. They rarely go out to eat because they worry the food available won’t suit them. Take a more balanced approach, however–aim to eat healthy foods, but give yourself leeway–and your lifestyle balance will improve.

Sense of purpose

Sometimes, a sense of purpose comes from doing what you love or your job if you’re lucky. At others, though, daily chores, and your work and hobbies aren’t enough to add meaning to life.

A sense of purpose comes from knowing you do something that contributes to the greater whole. It could be anything from preserving wild flowers to helping poor people in your community that boosts your morale. Add an activity that assists others to your life and you’ll have one more reason to get up every day with a smile.


Research shows isolation is a killer as people age. Even if you’re still young, however, not being with people enough can lower your well-being. Humans are designed to live and work in groups so they support each other. They don’t fare well alone.

Stay in touch with friends, your family, and colleagues and you’re less likely to be lonely than if you let relationships drift. At the same time, get involved in local events, carry out hobbies with people, and stay socially active to enhance well-being.

Balance is the key to a long and healthy life. Address lifestyle imbalances, adding or reducing activities as you see fit, and your well-being will flourish.

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