Are Dried Banana Chips Healthy?
The good news is that these chips deliver several valuable nutrients. For example, a one-third cup serving contains around one gram of protein and another gram of fiber. It also provides magnesium, vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, and potassium in small quantities. These nutrients benefit your eyes and may prevent high blood pressure.

If you seek a convenient, portable snack that doesn’t expire quickly, dried banana chips may appeal to you. They’re always ripe, and you won’t have to worry about fruit flies. However, you might wonder if this food is really as healthy as it may seem.
Health Benefits of Dried Banana Chips
The good news is that these chips deliver several valuable nutrients. For example, a one-third cup serving contains around one gram of protein and another gram of fiber. It also provides magnesium, vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, and potassium in small quantities. These nutrients benefit your eyes and may prevent high blood pressure.
Like most foods, this snack supplies your body with energy. A serving provides about 165 calories. Approximately 58 percent of these calories come from fat. Bananas contain relatively little protein, so the energy may not last as long as you’d like.
Disadvantages of Eating Dried Bananas
This food also has multiple negative aspects that you shouldn’t overlook. Each serving delivers around 10 grams of fat and half as much sugar. Most of this fat consists of the more harmful saturated variety, and you’ll also consume a small amount of sodium. Nonetheless, dried banana chips contain less sugar and sodium than many ready-to-eat snacks.
Comparison of Dried and Fresh Bananas
Fresh bananas offer equivalent nutrition in several ways. They supply similar amounts of calories, protein, sugar, iron, and various vitamins. On the other hand, these bananas contain more fiber and slightly less sodium. Dieters appreciate the fact that they’re nearly fat-free.
Dried banana chips represent a comparatively healthy snack or dessert if you eat them in moderation and remember to brush your teeth afterward. However, fresh bananas allow you to gain the same nutritional benefits without increasing your fat intake. Both foods provide healthier alternatives to candy, pastries and corn chips.
Is there a certain reason I would need to brush my teeth right after eating banana chips?
Well – I had to look this one up 🙂 It is best to rinse your mouth with water after eating these fruits and to not brush your teeth until 30 minutes after you ate the fruit. The natural acid in the fruit that is left in your mouth after you eat it may temporarily soften the outer layer of the tooth.
Confused on the dried vs fresh banana comparison: “However, fresh bananas allow you to gain the same nutritional benefits without increasing your fat intake.” Why would the dry variety have more fat content? “
I think they are often deep fried to give them that ‘crispy’ texture. Hence the higher fat and calorie content. I believe there are some baked or dehydrated versions but I would still look out for sugar content – as with a lot of dried fruits (but not all) there is often sugar added. Hope this helps!
In theory, however, what if we just cut the bananas and bake them in the oven? Will that affect nutrition? (It shouldn’t though because all ovens do is cook stuff with heat, but just making sure)
I wouldn’t think so – no added sugars / oils / fats / etc. However, We will tend to overeat dehydrated fruit because there is so much less water content – if having dried fruit, careful with the portions!
Can you bake or dehydrate banana chips is it healthier
Not sure – great question. I think part of the issue is that they are adding things to the banana chips. Nevertheless, just keep in mind that dried fruit has a LOT of fructose! I generally recommend when eating fruit, eat whole fruit – not dried, not smoothies, etc. At least, from a weight management standpoint.
If you dehydrate the bananas yourself, like I do, you don’t NEED to add anything to them. They are delicious by themselves. The only thing I do different is I dip them in organic lemon juice after slicing them dehydrate. The lemon juice prevents them from prematurely turning brown, so they are still the same color as when they are fresh. I highly recommend dehydrating them yourself, very healthy snack! I have trouble keeping them in the house, they go very quickly. And I know I’m feeding my family much less sugar when I dehydrate certain foods (also own beef jerky)
Sorry for prior typo. Please explain the steps necessary To dehydrate bananas. I am a terrible cook,
I’ve actually never tried – but lots of good recipes if you google – try this one: https://www.freshoffthegrid.com/dehydrating-bananas/
What type of dehydrator do you have? I want to do some foods for prepping. Can they just be stored loosely in canning jars? Do you have to do anything special to make them last a long time?
Yes, you can dehydrate bananas. I’ve done it before by simply slicing them about 3/16″ thick and placing them on the dehydrator trays. Then run the dehydrator for the amount of time written in the instruction booklet. If you don’t want to buy a dehydrator, you could use your oven on low heat for however long it takes to dry them.
I have done some reading on dehydrated bananas and the cause of their higher fat content than fresh bananas. The common theory as to why they are higher in fat is because of the removal of the water from them during dehydration causes a concentration of vitamins and saturated fat. I hope that helps too.
I have a dehydrator at home and sliced a few bananas and turned it on. Nothing added or fried just peel to rack. How would that effect the sugar content?
It shouldn’t affect the sugar content; however, dehydrating concentrates the food and we are inclined to overeat – so just be sure to watch your portion sizes.