Easter and Passover Weight Management Tips

Just when we think we're out of the woods (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year's, Valentine's!), here come Easter and Passover! How in the world are we supposed to fit into those nice summer shorts, dresses and swimsuits with these huge caloric events ahead?

Easter and Passover Weight Management TipsJust when we think we’re out of the woods (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s, Valentine’s!), here come Easter and Passover! How in the world are we supposed to fit into those nice summer shorts, dresses and swimsuits with these huge caloric events ahead?! Sheesh!

Every big food event benefits from forethought and pre-planning. If you have young ones who love the surprise and fun of Easter, let them have it! Hard cooked eggs are really a health food, and so much fun to decorate. Make enough to find and re-hide, to put on salads and to devil. Remember that small stuffed animals, art supplies, mini playing cards and puzzle books fill baskets just as well or better than  candy, and keep kiddos busier longer. Is your 4th grader a comic book kid? If so, you’re in luck! The bunny can add those goodies to his or her basket! Good reading for the treat seekers (Mom and Dad, too!)

About Easter dinner and Passover: Check out lighter and yummy recipes online.  There are a wealth of wonderful and gorgeous dishes that are lower in fats and sugars available:  Eating Well Magazine online offers braised lamb with a garden vegetable medley for 384 calories a serving. Maybe it’s time to try some different and healthier dishes for your Easter feast! My Recipes has a lemon roasted chicken and several very tempting lighter brisket recipes. There’s also a lemon coconut almond haroset that is just gorgeous, and only 25 calories a serving.  You’ve made it this far with great success.  Keep your eyes on the prize of summer fun!  It’s coming sooner than we think!

-By Tracy Boykin, Registered Dietitian, Clinical Nutrition Center

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