Eating and Drinking Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight
Losing weight is greatly affected by the foods and drinks you choose to consume. No matter how active you are, what you put into your boy can make or break your weight loss success. Here are four tips for eating and drinking that will help you lose weight.

Losing weight is greatly affected by the foods and drinks you choose to consume. No matter how active you are, what you put into your boy can make or break your weight loss success. Here are four tips for eating and drinking that will help you lose weight.
1. Hydrate
Hydrating should be a priority whether you are attempting to lose weight or not. Hydration for the weight loss process is crucial. Begin each morning by drinking a few glasses of water. This will rehydrate you. Drinking enough water throughout the day will keep you feeling full, which will result in you eating less overall calories. Make it a habit to drink one to two glasses of water before each meal.
2. Understand proper portions
From the time you’re young, you become accustomed to eating a certain way. You might have grown up being told to fill your plates and go back for seconds and even thirds. Learning proper portions for each food group will help you lose weight. Someone who is five foot three inches will obviously require less food than someone who is six feet tall. If you are in the habit of eating as much as your spouse that is much taller than you, cutting back on your portions will aid in weight loss. Eating less will take getting used to, but it’s important to note that you will get used to the smaller portions.
3. Eliminate sugary drinks
Sugary drinks can be a problem if you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re use to picking up a speciality coffee on your way to work, replace it with a coffee from home that is lighter on creamer and sugar. It’s important to read the labels of any drinks before you decide to consume them. Sodas and juices should be limited greatly, but eliminating them is even better. Whenever possible, your drink of choice should be water. It sounds boring, but you can make water more interesting by using lemon, lime, mint, and even fruit.
4. Try intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is when you cycle between a period of fasting and a period of non-fasting. Some people do sixteen hours of fasting and eat only during an eight-hour time period. Some people do this every day while others may only do it a few times a week. Another form of intermittent fasting is to not eat for one 24 hour period. During this time you will consume lots of water and other liquids. Fasting allows the body to deal with the food you’ve consumed without having more coming in constantly. The digestive system can do it’s job without being overwhelmed. Intermittent fasting is not bad for you. If you’re new to it, you may want to begin with short periods of fasting to allow your body to adjust. You also don’t need to eat extra during times of non-fasting.
Losing weight is possible no matter what kind of success, or lack of success, you’ve had in the past. When you change your eating and drinking habits, you will see the results.