Beyond Body Mass Index (BMI)
I had the pleasure of serving as a delegate at the American Medical Association’s (AMA) 2023 Annual Meeting in June. It was exactly 10 years ago that obesity was recognized by the AMA as a disease, at my first meeting…
I had the pleasure of serving as a delegate at the American Medical Association’s (AMA) 2023 Annual Meeting in June. It was exactly 10 years ago that obesity was recognized by the AMA as a disease, at my first meeting…
Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a ratio of a person’s weight divided by their height squared in metric. If working with pounds and inches, take pounds divided by inches squared and multiply by 703. Alternatively, use this handy BMI…
In short, BMI was never intended to set goals for weight loss. All too often I have patients who are told they must achieve a certain BMI to qualify for a joint replacement surgery or for a preferred rate on…