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happy adults in group

Upcoming Classes

Do you struggle to stay motivated? Do you feel like you have to work harder than others to accomplish your goals? You are not alone! This group is designed to encourage and support participants to succeed in achieving and maintaining their weight loss goals. This is not a “class” where you learn information; it is a group for sharing your successes and struggles.
Group Class

Group Class with Kim Jones

Do you struggle to stay motivated? Do you feel like you have to work harder than others to accomplish your goals? You are not alone! “Success for a Lifetime” is a group designed to encourage and support others to succeed in their weight loss goals. This is not a “class” where you learn information; it is a group for sharing your successes and struggles. This group is designed to identify blocks that are keeping us stuck and to motivate one another towards accomplishing who we want to be.
group of three adults

Upcoming Events at CNC

Have you attended one of Dr. Lazarus's free classes yet? These have been a real hit! Dr. Lazarus will teach you why weight management is so difficult and arm you with the best tool to keep weight off - knowledge and understanding. He does classes nearly every week. Call the clinic for the most current schedule. Current topics include:
older woman stretching

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health and also with regards to proper biochemical functioning of fat tissue. Did you know that one of the most common causes of low vitamin D is excess weight? It is now recommended that individuals with excess weight be screened for low vitamin D levels.
milestone graphic

Success for a Lifetime

Do you struggle to stay motivated? Do you feel like you have to work harder than others to accomplish your goals? You are not alone! “Success for a Lifetime” support group launches at Clinical Nutrition Center January, 2016. This will be a community of people like you who understand and are also on journeys towards success. The group will provide a safe place to find encouragement and resources to help achieve and maintain your goals.