Tag diet


Snack Smart

Snacking is merely superfluous eating, devoid of nutritional value, right? Actually, picking your foods properly can turn snacking into a great way to make sure you’re getting appropriate amount of fruits, veggies and whole grains in your daily diet. When going through a medical weight loss program, you’ll need to make many changes in your diet and lifestyle to lose weight, and replacing your unhealthy snacks with their nutritious alternatives can be a great boon for your healthy weight loss.

olive oil and rosemary

Good Fats and Bad Fats

All fat is not created equal. There are good fats that your body needs for proper cell function and to protect your organs, and there are bad fats that can raise your cholesterol, contribute to obesity, and increase your risk for disease. How do you know which is which?

Emotional Eating Woman

Emotional Eating: Breaking the Cycle

Have you ever wondered why the way we feel has such a profound effect on our appetite and eating behavior? Happiness, loneliness, depression, boredom, fatigue, stress and guilt are more powerful appetite stimulators than being "physically" hungry.