Tag Healthy eating


Adding Variety to your Diet

You may already know it is important to change your eating habits. To lose weight you will need to adjust what you eat and pay close attention to portion control. You will also want to eliminate sugary, fatty or greasy foods from your diet. But successful weight loss is not just about diet restrictions and eating less. In fact, when it comes to your diet, there are some foods that you should be eating more!

eggs chicken cheese

Protein in Your Diet

Although not ideal for everyone, when attempting to lose weight, a diet high in protein foods gives your body the amino acids necessary for peak functioning of numerous physiological processes. In addition, you won't be driven to snack constantly by recurring hunger pangs after eating a meal rich in protein, because protein helps you feel fuller longer.

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Portion Control Basics for Weight Management

Increasing portion sizes is a common and effective marketing technique used by restaurants, vending machines, and food manufacturers to make consumers think they are "getting their money's worth". Unfortunately, placing heaping platefuls of food in front of us or tripling the size of what many of us consider a single-serving. As portions increase, our perception of what is a reasonable amount of food to consume for a snack or as a meal becomes inaccurate and we end up eating much more food than we thought we were.

woman eating a salad

Guess What? Healthy Eating Can Be Delicious, Too!

When most people think of dieting, they think of eating a never-ending stream of flavorless meals and unappealing snacks that are boring, bland and just plain unappetizing. That's a shame, because losing weight isn't about eating dull, boring food – it's about making healthy food choices, and that means eating lots of delicious foods that are as good for your palate as they are for your waistline.


Optimizing Your Omegas

Omega fats are polyunsaturated fats that have many benefits. Like many of the fats the body stores and burns for energy, these fats are biologically active and play vital roles in functions such as inflammation and blood clotting. Your weight loss goals can be hampered by an imbalance in omegas.

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A Simple Guide to Portion Control

Successful dieting isn’t just about what you eat; it’s also about how much you eat. Today, portion sizes are much larger than they once were. Going out to eat in Denver often means being confronted by a huge side of fries, a “super-sized” soft drink and a burger that’s built for two. Over the years, plate sizes have increased and restaurants fill them with cheaper foods with high carbohydrate and sugar content. Even the sizes of individual food items such as bagels have increased dramatically with the years. As the upsizing of America continues it becomes increasingly difficult for us to know what a single serving size should look like.

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Coloring Your Picture Perfect Diet

As you transition back to regular food as part of your Denver weight loss program and try to find healthy food options, color may be the last thing you think about. Though the vibrant hues of many produce items may be what first draw your eye at the supermarket, we may not give the colors of our food much of a second thought once we’ve placed them in the shopping cart.

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Gaining Control of Emotional Eating

One of the most difficult obstacles a person might face when trying to lose weight is emotional eating. Emotional eating is eating for any reason other than hunger—i.e. boredom, stress, sadness. Letting your emotions affect your eating habits can be detrimental to your weight loss efforts. The relief you get from emotional eating rarely lasts long and may even turn into guilt. Discovering the differences between physical and emotional hunger can help you control your emotional eating.