Tag Healthy eating

children cooking with grandparents

Make Healthy Eating a Family Affair

With the growing concerns regarding an increase in the number of overweight children and adolescents, and related health issues, establishing healthy eating habits early in life is important for life-long health and disease prevention. Healthy habits start with the family; being a good role model, providing nutritious foods while limiting high calorie, lower nutrient foods is key. Include your children and teens in family menu planning, age-appropriate assistance with meal preparation and grocery shopping, etc. as often as possible to get them on board with healthy eating.

woman shopping for vegetables

Healthy Tips for Eating Ripe

The produce isle—it’s like looking at the perfect outfit on a mannequin at your favorite clothing store. This outfit is perfection on the mannequin but it’s an utter disappointment when you try it on in the dressing room for yourself. Buying produce in Denver can be the same way.

ornament with measuring tape around it

Healthier, Smarter, Holiday Eating-Start the New Year Right

The holidays can be an eating disaster if you are not pre-planning and being careful to take care of yourself. The spirit of the holiday can lead to over-consumption of added sugars, saturated fat, sodium and alcohol. Thanks to the abundance of candy, pastries, cookies, high fat appetizers & eggnog (just to name a few), nutritious choices get squeezed out.

water bottles

Your Guide to Nutrients

Nutrients are the sustenance of life. They are what make our food worth eating and provide us with the energy we need to thrive and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. However, not all foods are equal when it comes to delivering nutrients to our bodies. As you embark on a healthier lifestyle and make changes to your eating habits during your medical weight loss program, you’ll want to consider the nutritional benefits of the foods you choose to eat.

chef holding piece of raw red meat

Weight Loss, Red Meat and your Health

The foods you eat have a direct effect on your health and well-being. Increasing your nutrient intake and reducing your consumption of fat and sugar-filled foods during your medical weight loss program and beyond can result in improved health outcomes. According to a collection of research, reducing your intake of certain foods—especially red meat—can reduce your risk of developing obesity-related diseases and help you lose weight.

food label with measuring tape on top of it

Shopping for Your Weight Loss Diet

Healthy food choices at the grocery store are the foundation of a nutritious diet. During your medical weight loss program, learning how to be a careful and knowledgeable supermarket shopper will help you make healthy food choices and continue to follow a diet that maximizes your ability to keep weight off and stay healthy.

person reading menu at restaurant

Eating Out during Medical Weight Loss

When you’re trying to lose weight, finding a healthy meal at a restaurant can seem difficult, but it’s possible to find something that will fulfill your needs at nearly any eatery. By learning a few strategies that help you make smart, nutritious choices when eating out, you can help yourself keep every meal worry-free during medical weight loss.

woman eating salad

Vegetarianism, Weight Loss and your Health

Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice to reduce the consumption of meat. There are several forms of vegetarianism. At one end of the spectrum there is veganism, which eliminates all meat and animal byproducts from the diet. Pure vegetarianism is the elimination of all meat, while ovo-lacto vegetarians will not eat meat, but are okay with eggs and dairy. There are some vegetarians who will also eat fish or white meat, but eliminate the consumption of beef and processed meats.

foods arranged in circle

Eat Right at Night

Hours after dinner, the murmur of late-night television echoes through the house as you begin your transition from the couch to the bed. But before calling it a night, there is one more trip to the kitchen. What will it be tonight: A small bowl of ice cream, a handful of crackers, or maybe a warm mug of hot chocolate?

pear and apple stitched together

Understanding GMOs as you Lose Weight

In recent months there has been a lot of talk about GMOs and ways to avoid them in our food. While a growing number of people now hold a generally dissatisfactory opinion of GMOs, not many people actually understand what they are. There are a large number of people who think avoiding GMOs is similar to avoiding other common dietary ne'er-do-wells, like trans fats or sugar. However, this isn’t the case.