Tag Healthy Habits

Happy Holidays

Holiday Season Ups and Downs

Thanksgiving has passed and the next set of holidays is right around the corner. What better time to learn from our successes and/or mistakes.
How did your Thanksgiving go? Did you have a plan? Did you stick with it? Did you feel successful, or did it feel like a big failure? I think it is helpful to reflect on how we did to empower us to do even better! I like to be concrete, so have developed the following scoring system

ornament with measuring tape around it

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Believe it or not, the slowest time of year at CNC is from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Conversely, the busiest time of year starts on January 1st. I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that January comes along and everybody's New Year Resolution is to lose all the weight gained during the holidays.

person cleaning house

Spring Cleaning

Going on a weight loss program always seems like such a chore – all those delicious foods that you have to pass by. All that time at the gym that you don’t like or didn’t have time for in the first place. As spring settles in, why not take a different approach?

woman sleeping on couch in daylight

Healthy Sleep Habits for Weight Loss

Getting plenty of quality sleep every night can positively affect your weight loss efforts in Denver. While it may vary, most adults need at least eight hours of sleep every night in order to function optimally. If you’re going through a medical weight loss program, there are already plenty of changes you’ll be making to your lifestyle and things you’ll be dealing with.

picture of scale

Figuring Out your Healthiest Weight

This is a complicated process for a lot of people. For one thing, Hollywood projects an image of “thinness” and “healthy” that is highly warped. Celebrities who are border-line malnourished are bombarded with paparazzi attention every time their jeans look a tad too tight. This idealized concept of an optimal weight is not something that you should aim for. Instead, focus on working towards a healthy weight level for your height, build and activity level.