Tag holiday eating

Chocolate Protein Mugcake

Christmas is right around the corner and unhealthy treats have been the star of the show at every holiday party and work event. Don’t let the season full of treats steer you away from your healthy eating plan! Below is a protein mug cake recipe that is sure to satisfy your sweet craving and even give you a boost of protein along with it!

latte drink

Holiday Temptations

Fall is here and the holiday season is quickly approaching. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas ensure there will be endless food options and sweet treats involved.

ornament on a plate


With the season changing from a warm fall to a cooler winter, our bodies may desire more comfort foods. This time of year we crave things like warm cakes, gravy's, sauces, baked goods, buttery dishes and heavier caloric foods. In the Spring and Summer, lighter foods like salads and fruit may be more appealing. How HEALTHY can we be for the next two months? Here are some ideas to keep your weight in check during the colder months: