Tag weight loss lifestyle

Happy Holidays

Holiday Season Ups and Downs

Thanksgiving has passed and the next set of holidays is right around the corner. What better time to learn from our successes and/or mistakes.
How did your Thanksgiving go? Did you have a plan? Did you stick with it? Did you feel successful, or did it feel like a big failure? I think it is helpful to reflect on how we did to empower us to do even better! I like to be concrete, so have developed the following scoring system

food plan journal

Acute weight loss vs. Chronic weight management, part 2- by Ethan Lazarus, MD

When beginning a journey to lose weight and keep it off permanently, we usually start with what we call an “active weight loss” phase. During this time, we try as hard as we can to get as much weight off as possible (within what is medically safe and appropriate). Many people want to stay on “active” weight loss until they reach a pre-determined “goal” weight, whether or not their body cooperates.

nighttime eating person at refrigerator in dark room

Nighttime Eating

This is a question that has received significant attention over the years. Many experts agree that eating in the evening is a problem because our bodies have the lowest need for calories during the evening hours. In America, meal size typically increases throughout the day and most eat more during dinner than any other meal.

Yo-yo on a scale

No More Yo-Yo Dieting

Have you ever worked your hardest to lose weight, only to be met with frustration later as the pounds seem to creep back on? Current science has shown that keeping weight off is actually far harder than losing it. Yo-yo dieting has been described as repeated loss and regain of body weight. It seems like every week there is a new fad diet going around town, from “Eat right for your blood type” to “Atkins.”

person cutting vegetables

Nutrition in the New Year

Roughly 69% of the US population has losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle at the top of their priority list in January. Clinical Nutrition Center is here to help you achieve those resolutions this year. We not only want you to be successful on your weight loss journey, but we want to teach you the skills to keep your weight off so you can set a brand new resolution for the following year!

woman holding scale with smile on face

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

I had the pleasure of reading Marshall Goldsmith’s book titled “What got you here won’t get you there” on a recent airplane flight, and was surprised how many of the suggestions in this book are timely and relevant for the individual wanting to lose weight. With the holidays upon us, countless people will make it their New Year Resolution: to lose 20 pounds, 30 pounds, 50 pounds, 100 pounds… They will go on a severe diet and start going to the gym 5 days per week. In a month or two, they will lose 10 or 20 pounds – or more – only to immediately start regaining.