Tag weight loss lifestyle

woman celebrating success

Achievable Goals Key to Your Weight Loss Success?

What is the key to success, whether it is losing weight, saving money or following a career path? It might just be as simple as just making goals that are within reach. Achievable goals will create a flow that keeps you moving in the right direction. If you set the bar too high, you fail over and over until you get discouraged and quit. With reachable goals, you create a sense of achievement that pushes forward. Consider some rules for finding success by using achievable goals.

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Simple Lifestyle Changes to Help You Lose Weight

If you are looking for a reason why most of the weight loss remedies you have tried in the past never seemed to stick there is one word that we think will explain it. Lifestyle. Regardless of the program you use to lose weight, the secret to keeping it off is your ability to make permanent changes to your lifestyle. This mean you are essentially living a different life at the end of your program than you were at the beginning.

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Weight Loss Lessons – from a newborn baby

I was blessed last week with the birth of a healthy baby boy. Sean is 8 days old as I write this article. His brother Zachary is nearly 5, and Zoey is 7. I’ve spent the last 8 days trying to sleep when I can, eat when I can… Reminds me of when I was a medical resident. However, for my third trip around the merry-go-round, I have a couple observations that are very interesting.

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Personal Responsibility for Weight Loss

During your medical weight loss program, you will have the aid and assistance of your weight loss doctor and dietitians. However, the lifestyle and dietary changes necessary to maintain a healthy weight and an overall healthier lifestyle requires more than just your appointments with your weight loss team. Dedication and personal responsibility are important parts to the success of any weight loss program.

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Positive Body Image during Weight Loss

Our body image relates to how we perceive ourselves and our bodies visually. This includes how we talk and think to ourselves (and to others) about our bodies, how we believe others view us and our level of connectedness to our bodies. For many people, body image can become a large preoccupation. Especially if you feel like you are outside of the “norm” when it comes to your body type or weight.

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SPRING into Health

With the beginning of Spring, now is the time to write down what motivates you and set healthy goals. This is key to either lose weight or maintain weight loss. Don't miss this opportunity to start something for your health with this fresh new season.

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Managing Stress during Weight Loss

We all encounter a certain amount of stress from time to time. Whether it’s due to added pressure from work, school or home life, stress can be disruptive and distracting. During your weight loss program at Clinical Nutrition Center in Denver it is important to make sure that you are managing stress in a way that promotes optimal weight loss and deters any potentially harmful habits like stress eating. Effective stress management can aid in weight loss, prevent weight regain and promote an overall happier lifestyle.

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Here Comes February

Have you recovered from the long weeks of excessive food pushing and eating? It's part of our culture. We start with peanuts and candy corn in October, slide into apple and pecan pies in November, top off Christmas with red and green M&M’s, and wash it all down with champagne at New Year’s celebrations! How many of us swore this behavior off in the first days of 2014? Congratulations and best wishes for a healthier, more nutritious year! But wait! We have yet another winter barrier to hurdle!

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Debunking Four Diet and Exercise Myths

There are more supposed “facts” about weight loss than there are sites on the web, so which ones should you believe? Every day, new ideas about dieting and exercise are introduced, debated and discredited, making it a chore to separate good from bad and fact from fiction. When taking part in a weight loss program, here are some myths you can bust yourself and tips on how to take advantage of their wrongness.