Becoming Less Busy

An excessively busy schedule takes some time to develop. It often starts in the form of one or two basic obligations, but grows more excessive with time. In our culture, being busy is often synonymous with being productive, successful or responsible. To get ahead, you must always have somewhere to be, someone to see and something to do.

Becoming Less BusyAn excessively busy schedule takes some time to develop. It often starts in the form of one or two basic obligations, but grows more excessive with time. In our culture, being busy is often synonymous with being productive, successful or responsible. To get ahead, you must always have somewhere to be, someone to see and something to do.

As you make the choice to improve your health, being constantly busy may interfere with your wellness goals. Weight loss is something you’ll need to make time for in your life. Obesity is a disease, and to overcome this disease, you have to make behavioral changes that will influence your overall lifestyle. In addition to following your weight loss doctor’s instructions when it comes to what you eat and how active you are, you’ll be encouraged to make changes to your schedule, your stress management practices and the way you spend your down time.

Resisting the Urge to be Busy

Sometimes the clock really moves faster than you might wish. A half hour getting yourself and kids dressed, followed by a quick breakfast and packed lunches, eight hours at the office, two hours of commuting, another half an hour of “quick” errands on your way home, an hour of cooking dinner, an hour of eating dinner, two hours of helping with homework, an hour or two of housework, half an hour of exercise, another hour of paperwork or household tasks—and we all hope for eight hours of sleep.

If you were counting, the day described above demanded over 24 hours to complete—meaning that your day of simple tasks really requires a second day.

It isn’t possible to squeeze more hours into the day, and this will often mean that something in this mix of daily to-dos will have to go. Prioritizing the tasks in front of you and learning how to reduce your obligations can make a huge difference in the course of your weight loss program, as well as in your ability to maintain lasting wellness.

You can reduce your busy schedule by:

  • Learning to say no. At home, with friends, at the office—learn how to say no and mean it. Tell someone when a task is really going to be too much for you to handle. Don’t take on more than you can handle, even if the task at hand is seemingly fun.
  • Scheduling in “you” time. You schedule in time for meetings at work, for your family’s obligations and for other events. Why not schedule in time for your own workout? Make plans to work out with a friend and stick to it.
  • Prioritizing your engagements. What needs to be done, what do you like to do and what can you leave out? Ask yourself these questions as you review your weekly to-do list. If there is something you don’t need to be spending time on, let it go.

As you arrange your time in a manner that creates more opportunities for you to focus on your health, consider ways that you can improve your wellbeing by managing stress. Carve out time to be alone with loved ones, turn off your computer and cell phone after dinner and take time each day to sit in silence and meditate briefly on your own. Small behavioral changes like these can make a big difference in the level of “busyness” you experience in life.

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One comment

  1. The challenge to put oneself first, instead of last can leave us exhausted! What! I have to take care of myself. TOO?
    Allowing loved ones and friends to carry a bit of the load can help us to engage more fully in our lives.We can always return the favor.

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