Maintaining Weight Loss in the Face of Adversity

Let’s face it: losing weight and keeping it off is hard in the best of circumstances. So, what is one to do when things are tough? Weight loss always seems to go well until you have a really stressful day. Have you ever noticed that after a stressful day we don’t usually go home and eat a salad!

Colorado has been hit hard by the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. Schools and restaurants are closed. Many are out of work, or working reduced hours. We have the stress of caring for children and loved ones, worries of lost income, and fears over what comes next.

It is important NOT to let our health slip in these tough times. But how can we stay on track through these immense challenges?

Well, we all know the euphemism – “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” But, Clint Eastwood said it even better in his classic movie, Pink Cadillac. He said, “There are two ways you can go through life: Chicken salad, or Chicken shit.”

How can we turn this situation into chicken salad? Here are some tips to consider:

  • Don’t stop your medications! This includes medications for weight loss, but also medications for blood pressure, depression, sleep, diabetes and other chronic medical problems. The last thing we need is to pour gas on the fire and need to go to the emergency room for a preventable problem!
  • Don’t stop your support visits! We remain open, but are also easily available by phone at (303) 750-9454 or video. You don’t have to do this alone!
  • Don’t give up on your food plan. Stock up on your medical weight loss foods – our store remains open (new hours – check here).
  • Make your home a sanctuary. What better time to get the house in tip-top shape so you can enjoy it more? I love the book “The life changing magic of tidying up.” You can find it used on ebay for $1.42! It’s a great read. Having a tidy house helps lower stress and improves your mood, sleep, and can even help with weight management.
  • Physical activity at home. Extra time on your hands? Why not break out that old exercise equipment? What better time to spend some time on physical activity. Yoga at home, or with a video or facetime a friend. Stream a workout video on YouTube or your favorite streaming service.
  • Get back to something you love. Why not focus on that long-neglected hobby. See if you remember how to play the piano, paint, needlepoint, etc.
  • Phone a friend. Remember the time before smart phones when we used to call people? Call somebody you haven’t spoken with for a while and remember what it is like to have that friend.

Most important, remember that America is resilient. We will get through this crisis together, and we will emerge stronger than ever. Have faith in yourself, in your family, in your friends, and in our country. Find the hidden chicken salad in this mess and we can get through it together!

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  1. My Mother is in assisted living and since I cannot see her, I drop off a
    “treat” every day for her. Today it was cookies. What I did not put in her bag, I ate. Darn, Darn Darn!!! Then I read the message you sent.
    Perhaps it will keep me from eating the next bag. Tomorrow I will
    take her an apple.
    I used to raise and butcher chickens and right now I think I am
    leaning toward the chicken shit side!!!! Need to stay positive.
    Thank you.

    • We are all under a tremendous amount of stress for a multitude of reasons. We do not need to strive for perfection. We do as well as we can! I wrote this article at 4:00 AM this morning. I’ve had a pit in my stomach all week worrying about the fate of my family, staff, patients, Colorado’ans, Americans, and the whole world. We’ve all had a month with way too much chicken Sh*! If we can start moving towards chicken salad, it will be a victory. Count the small victories, don’t let the small setbacks hold you back. I am confident we will beat this virus and get back to our normal lives.

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