Dr. Lazarus to present at Grand Rounds
Did you know that because of his expertise in Obesity Medicine, Dr. Ethan Lazarus is frequently invited to be a guest speaker not only at local area hospitals and medical meetings, but nationally as well?
Did you know that because of his expertise in Obesity Medicine, Dr. Ethan Lazarus is frequently invited to be a guest speaker not only at local area hospitals and medical meetings, but nationally as well?
Obesity is an epidemic, and the United States Preventive Task Force Services (USPSTF) recently updated their recommendations on obesity screening and treatment, and now recommend that all adults and children be screened for obesity, and offered or referred for multidisciplinary treatment. This really puts the onus on primary care doctors to learn about the medical treatment of obesity. Unfortunately, in most medical school curriculums, physicians still receive little to no training in obesity medicine, in nutrition, or in diet or weight loss strategies. It is important that knowledge of obesity, weight loss and diet be taught to our graduating doctors, so Dr. Lazarus has taken an interest in getting people educated!
His next talk titled “The Medical Management of Obesity: Why telling an individual to eat less and exercise more is not a helpful treatment strategy for obesity” is scheduled for grand rounds at Rose Hospital October 3rd, 2012, from 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM.
Other upcoming lectures include:
1. Quality Assurance in a Bariatric Practice
- I.Recognition and management of weight bias.
- II.Physician personal health behaviors.
- III.Office policies and protocols related to obesity care.
This lecture will be given as part of a Continuing Medical Education series for physicians at the American Society of Bariatric Physicians meeting in Orlando, Florida, in October. This is part of the review course for the new American Board of Obesity Medicine certification (more on this in a future post).