Weight Loss Program Proves as Alternative to Bariatric Surgery

The Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston has proven that patients lost weight and kept it off through a short-term, intensive weight loss program. The study showed half of the patients maintained an average of 9.5% weight loss at four years with the total group averaging a 6.3% weight loss. The Weight Achievement and Intensive Treatment (Why WAIT) enrolled 120 patients for 12 weeks. The program included a high protein, low carbohydrate plan with meal replacements, an exercise program, changes in diabetes medications, and weekly sessions for support and education. Not only did the group lose weight and keep it off, they also showed significant improvements in hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure, and lipids. Diabetes medications were cut in half on average by the end of the program.

Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD, medical director of the obesity clinical program and director of inpatient diabetes management at Joslin, says the study proves lifestyle intervention can be effective like some bariatric surgeries in weight management and diabetes with less cost and side effects. The Why WAIT program can cost $2700 while bariatric surgeries cost in the $20,000 range. By losing the weight, patients cut costs in diabetes medications ($561/year) and overall healthcare costs (over $2000/year).

The Why WAIT study proves that a person can lose weight and keep it off through an effective food and exercise plan with a support system in place. If you have lost weight and are struggling to keep it off or desire to start your weight loss journey, please contact us. We would love to be your support in this journey with you.

-Susan Ellis, RD


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One comment

  1. Susan – this is a fabulous article. For our next newsletter, I’ll include a review of recent evidence on Lap Band surgery, published last week in JAMA. The JAMA article suggests very high rates of regain following Lap Band surgery. This highlights the need both for better intensive lifestyle programs (like the Why WAIT initiative above), but also for improved medications (like Qsymia and Belviq, both approved last month, and should be available on the market before the end of the year). Thanks for this great article!

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