Tracy Boykin, RD


  1. Hi Tracy,

    I was diagnosed with IC Jan. 25, and am looking to build a meal plan that will let me avoid flares and get to & stay at around 150 lbs. I’m currently around 205, at 5’5″. I’ve had one child in 2015, and my thyroid ablated a few years ago, so I am on Levothyroxine for that, and depakote, olanzapine, and bupropion for bipolar. I never counted calories because my overactive thyroid was burning up everything I ate before it turned to fat. I don’t want to continue gaining weight.

    Are you able to walk me through making such a plan, what is your fee, and do you accept Premera Blue Cross?

    Thank you

    • Hi Zohra – these are great questions. If you live in Colorado, why not set up a visit? If not, where do you live? Check out the “Find a clinician” tab at obesitymedicine.org to find a doctor to work with you.

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